Who Are We?
Business and Professional Women - Furthering the Dream of Economic Independence

Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Incorporated
Early in 1929, Mrs. Lola Mercedes Parker of Chicago, Illinois, was stimulated by the need and a great vision of an organization which would offset the results caused by the Great Depression. Many black women who were working at comparatively new skills in white-collar jobs in the business field were doubly penalized by race and sex.
Mrs. Parker called together six friends to discuss a plan for establishing an organization that would add prestige to the field of business and to those women who had chosen business as a career. Such an organization would encourage, inspire, nurture, and give assistance to those persons engaged in business vocations.
The first chapter, Alpha was created and it marked the first step in the organization of a national business sorority. Since that time, other professions have been embraced. However, the major emphasis has remained in the broad field of business. There are now more than 50 chapters across the United States, including the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Epsilon Chi Chapter
Charter Members
On July 5, 2016 five seasoned sorors met with Southwestern Regional Director, Soror Linda Cannon to discuss the notion of forming a chapter in the Katy area.
​These women hailed from varied backgrounds, but had similar goals to expand the visibility of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority Incorporated in Katy and the surrounding areas. In addition, they agreed there was a need to tap into the market of business and professional women that desire to be around like-minded women. However, two more sorors were required in order to continue the provisional phase of chapter establishment. With pleasure, they were excited to be informed of two additional seasoned sorors, who expressed an interest in joining their efforts to start a chapter in Katy, Texas. Elated and feeling they were well on their way to becoming a chapter, paperwork was submitted and approved by the regional and national office. The sorors were assigned the chapter name of Epsilon Chi which is identified by the Greek letters EX.
​On September 10, 2016 during the regional planning meeting held in San Antonio, Texas, the Epsilon Chi Chapter of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. was chartered. Southwestern Regional Director, Soror Linda Cannon presided over the chartering ceremony and officer installations. The 22nd National President, Soror Stephanie Dilworth was on hand to officially congratulate the seven charter members. These seven women had the desire to build a chapter of "EXceptional Women Doing EXtraordinary Things".
Katrina Warren
Sheri Marshall
Gloria Davis
Donna Mitchell
Tanesha Mosley
Lois Fort
Wanda McKinnies